Tuesday, March 24, 2009


It was a busy morning. Evan and Noah woke up a little before 9. I quickly got them both dressed, made Evan a waffle, and took Evan to school. When I got home I fed Noah and then put him down for a nap. For some reason Noah did not want to sleep last night. I was up with him until about 2am.

I woke Noah up about 11:45 so that we could eat lunch and head over to HEB.

We had a quick lunch and then went grocery shopping. I had a lot to get for the week. I managed to save $35.59 in coupons today at HEB on a $116 bill after coupons. Not bad. :)

Usually at that time, HEB is not crowded, but for some reason I had to wait in a line a little bit. I also had a ton of coupons, so it took longer. I quickly put the Noah and the groceries in the car since we were running late to pick Evan up. At the stop light before school I was waiting in the left hand turn lane forever. It would not give me a green arrow (it was red the whole time). It went through a couple of cycles, but eventually I just ran the light. I went when the people going straight had green, but my arrow was still red. I was a few minutes late picking up Evan.

When I got to Evan’s school I apologized to Evan and Natasha for being late. I told her I got stuck at HEB and also about the light not giving me a green arrow.

After school we went to the library. Evan keeps talking about Star Wars. He has never seen the movies, just commercials for Star Wars products. I reserved the Star Wars set DVDs for us at the library and they were ready for pickup. On the way to the library Evan kept saying he was late and didn’t have an arrow. I tried to explain to him that it was me who was late and didn’t have an arrow, but he insisted it was him.

When we got home I put the boys down for naps. Noah napped, but Evan didn’t. Blanca came at 4:00 and Noah was just getting up at that time.

I tutored and got home at 7:00. We had Boboli pizza for dinner and ate outside.

Evan and Noah were both kind of cranky tonight. We just put them down to bed.

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