Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Two Baseball Players

While Evan was in school, Cole came over to play with Noah.  The boys had a lot of fun together.

Noah stayed at home while I got Evan at school.  Evan had a great day at school.  He wore his Steelers shirt and his teacher said she was also a Steelers fan. 

Blanca came over and I tutored.

The boys had baseball practice at the exact same time today while I was tutoring.   Morry dropped Noah off a little early and then took Evan to practice.  After my tutoring I came to Noah's practice.

Both boys did very well at baseball practice.  Noah tried hard, listened, and hustled.  Morry told me the coaches were impressed with Evan.  Evan did very well too.

For dinner we all had leftovers. 

I had a phone meeting at 8:30 and Morry got the boys ready for bed.

Evan is sitting with me right now reading the blog as I write. I asked Evan if he wanted to say anything and he said no. 

Noah just came in.  Noah wants to say Evan played coached pitch the first time and Noah played tball for the first time.

Now, I need to get the boys to go back to bed.

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