Thursday, September 20, 2012


Today is Noah's half birthday.  He made sure to tell me first thing this morning.  Noah is now 4 1/2.   It's hard to believe he will be 5 in six months.

Noah went with Morry to take Evan to school.

Noah and I took a short walk around the neighborhood and did some reading together.

Noah had his gymnastics class today.  He had a good time.

For lunch, we picked up bagels from Wholly Bagel.

Noah came with me to pick up Evan from school.

Both boys had practices today.  First we went to Noah's baseball practice from 5:30pm - 6:30pm.  A little before 6pm Morry took Evan to his football practice scheduled for 6pm - 7:20pm.   After Noah's practice we went to Evan's practice.  For dinner, I packed food for the boys.  Evan ate during Noah's practice and Noah ate during Evan's practice.  It took some coordinating to figure out this schedule.

We just got home.  Morry and my corned beef is in the the crock pot.  The potatoes are in the oven.  We'll put the boys to bed and then eat our dinner.

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