Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lots of Work

After dropping off Noah at school I went to a market research study I signed up for.  It was about banking and was only an hour.  It paid well. I got $215 for just an hour of my time.  Good deal!

From there I went to a running store to get new shoes.

I had lunch at home and then picked up Noah.  We hurried through HEB and barely made it home in time for Morry to go pick up Evan.  He took Noah with him and I left to tutor.

Gabby came over.

I tutored 3.5 hours today and got home around 7pm.  Morry had fed the boys dinner already.  We had burgers (veggie for me) and pasta for dinner.

Noah helped quiz Evan on his spelling words tonight.  Noah had fun reading off the sheet and asking Evan how to spell words.

After the homework was done we were sitting around the table and Morry coughed a few times.  Evan then called Morry "Mr. Kaufman."  It was pretty funny.  I think he just made that up on the spot. 

The boys are in bed now, but not asleep.

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