Saturday, September 1, 2012

Garage Sale

Hello everyone, this is Morry.
Today we had a garage sale. It occupied most of our day.  Rachel and I planned to get up at 5:45 to start moving things out.  However, she had trouble sleeping thinking about all the stuff we had to do.  She got up at 5:20 and started getting ready.

I got up at our scheduled time and promptly began to help.  We started bringing things outside and placing them on the driveway.  We had a ton of stuff.  Evan got up as he heard all the commotion and helped us as well.

The scheduled time for the garage sale was 8am but the first people came at 7am.  We were still setting up even then.  We had planned to sell sodas, juice boxes and popcorn.  I was still setting that up when people came.  Also we planned to sell our old mattress and we hadn't gotten those out.

We had people come all the way until about 1pm.  It was a very long day.  The boys came out with us. Evan played with a neighbor boy for a while.  Noah stayed with us.  All in all, we made more than $400 selling old baby toys and clothes.  There were things that I never thought would sell but ended up selling.  Alternately, there were things I was sure would sell that didn't sell.

We still had quite a bit left at the end.  Right now it's all in our garage.  We're trying to decide what to do next.  We may have another garage sale in the spring when they have a neighborhood-wide garage sale for Circle C.

We came in and cleaned up.  Rachel and I each had showers and then we left to go to Matt and Rachael's.  They had a little party for Molly for her 9th birthday.  Ben opened the door for us.  I don't think that Evan and Ben said anything to each other.  They just looked at each other, nodded, and went into Ben's room to play Lego's.  Noah stayed out with us.  After some food, at one point, Noah and Max tried to have a catch.  I think that Noah liked being the big kid.  Then Ben and Evan were having a light saber duel and Max got a light saber and joined in.  It was really cute.  Evan was really good with Max.  All the kids really had a good time tonight.

We came home and the boys had some food. Now they are in bed.

Until next time...

1 comment:

ipad 3 cover said...

it was awesome!!