Thursday, September 13, 2012

School Open House and Rain

This morning I went for a short run.

At 11:45 Noah had his gym class.  He had a lot of fun in there like always.

We ate lunch at home and a little while later it was time to get Evan.

It was raining on and off today, but it wasn't raining at the time I needed to leave.  Evan rode his bike to school so it would have been easier just to ride bikes to pick him up.  Noah and I went together on the bike and it started misting a little.  While we were on our way home it was threatening to rain.  We heard thunder off in the distance and I was a little worried we wouldn't make it home in time.  We rode our bikes pretty fast and did get home before the rain started again.

Evan and Noah were supposed to have tball and flag football practice today, but those practices got canceled.  Cole's mom offered to watch the boys while we went to the Open House at Evan's school.

We dropped the boys off at Cole's and then went to Evan's school.  We really like Evan's teacher and were impressed with what she had to say.

We picked up the boys from Cole's and then picked up pizza from Z Pizza.  We ate at home.  Evan did his homework, and now the boys are getting ready for bed.

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