Saturday, August 11, 2012

Lake and Smoothies/Coffee

This morning we took it easy at home and around noon walked around the lake.  I packed food for the boys to eat while we walked.  Evan walked a little.  The boys sat in the stroller most of the time.

After the lake we went to Scooters (coffee shop).  Morry and the boys got smoothies and I got a frozen coffee drink.  We sat there to have our drinks.

We came home and had lunch.

We did lots of cleaning and organizing today.  Morry went through Evan's clothes and took out things that didn't fit him anymore.  We went through the new clothes we got from Kohl's and Old Navy and decided what to keep for the boys.

I worked more on the garage, cleaning out my side (where my car goes).  There's still a lot more to go with the garage. 

Morry and the boys played baseball out front for a while.

For dinner we went to Las Palomas and used a coupon/certificate.

We stopped at Petco to get some food for Lizzy and litter for Mottel.  The boys liked looking at the fish, mice, hamsters, birds, turtles, etc.

The boys are in the shower now and then they will hopefully go to bed.

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