Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Good Day at School

Noah woke up early this morning and was up before Evan left for school.  He did not go to drop off Evan.  He stayed at home.

I dropped Noah off at school and he seemed very happy to see Cole was already there.

When I picked Noah up from school he was in a great mood.  One of his teachers just went on and on about how good he was and what a great day they had.  Noah and two other boys sat at a table for lunch for a long time.  They were having a lot of fun together and apparently laughing a lot.

Morry picked up Evan since I left to tutor.  Morry said Evan's teacher talked about how sweet Evan is.  Evan seemed to also have a good day.

Gabby came at 3:15 and played with the boys while I was gone.

I got home around 4:45.

We all went to HEB tonight and then came home and had dinner.  We made a PF Chang's frozen meal.

The boys are in bed now.

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