Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day 2

Last night Noah said he wanted Morry to wake him up in the morning before he took Evan to school.  Morry did that and Noah wanted to go with them to drop off Evan.  Morry and the boys rode bikes to school.

This morning Noah helped me get some stuff together in the garage for this weekend.  Our neighbors are doing garage sales and we are going to join in too.  They emailed a bunch of people on the street. 

I took Noah to Cole's house at 12 and he stayed until 2.  He and Cole play really well together.  They had fun.

Noah decided he wanted to come with me to pick up Evan.  I don't feel well enough to ride the bike with the tandem trailer, so we drove to get Evan.  We put Evan's bike in the car on the way home.  Evan seemed to have a good day but he didn't want to talk about what he did.

His teacher seems nice.  I met her today.  Evan's class has homework every night except Friday and spelling tests on Fridays.

This afternoon we brought down a ton of stuff from the attic.  Our hallway is filled with boxes, toys, junk.  It's hard to believe all of that fit in the attic.  Now, I need to go through the stuff to decide what to sell, throw away, or keep.

Morry had a meeting tonight.  He left the house about 5pm and he's on his way home now.

I helped Evan with his homework.  Noah can spell all of the words now too.  They are pretty easy this week.

We ate dinner at home and then went to McDonalds for dessert.  The boys played for a while on the playscape there.

When we got home I gave them showers.  Evan read.   He's supposed to read to use every night. They are in their rooms, but not asleep yet.

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