Thursday, August 9, 2012

Evan's Big Mistake

Last night Evan got dessert out of the freezer in the laundry room and left the door to the freezer wide open.  We had a very unpleasant surprise this morning.  A night with an open freezer is not.  Not only was the food warm, stuff had leaked everywhere.  We had a big mess.  We had to throw everything away.  There was meat, chicken, fish, vegetables, fruit, already prepared meals I had frozen, desserts, and more.  We made Evan help us clean up everything. Lots of money and time was wasted.  So, that's how the morning started.

Morry dropped off Evan at camp.

Noah and I went for a run (me pushing him in the stroller).

Noah's new teacher, Miss Annie, came to house today.  He has one week left of school in his current class.

Noah and I went to pick up Evan from camp.  Morry met us there.  The kids had made Lego robots.  In the middle of the room they had built towers with plastic cups and plates.  At the end of class the kids got to have their robots knock down all of the towers.  The kids seem to enjoy that.

Jack came over to our house after camp and stayed until about 1:45.

The boys had swimming lessons at the gym at 5:20.

After that we went to pick up food for me at Panera and food for Morry at Popeyes.  I packed a dinner for the boys earlier and we had a picnic dinner at Mt. Bonnell.  It was very nice, at first.  Then Noah got really whiny and made it unpleasant.

We got home not that long ago.  The boys are in bed now.

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