Friday, January 13, 2012

Thursday and Friday

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Rachel went to Dallas yesterday so the responsibility of the blog fell on my shoulders.  However, I forgot to write it last night.  In my defense, I was up late working.  I realized when I got into bed that it hadn't been written but I was too tired.  So today's blog will encompass both days.

Yesterday, I took Evan to school.  It was really windy.  I put both a sweatshirt and jacket on Evan because I knew it would be cold walking the path.

After lunch, Rachel and I took Noah to sports class.  They are playing basketball now.  They use the same kids basketball hoop that we have.  Noah did a very good job.  The teacher even asked us if we had the hoop at home since Noah was doing so well.  The teacher also said that Noah sings the loudest.

When we got home, Rachel packed up and left for Dallas.  I took Noah to pick up Evan from school.

We came home and I did some work and then we left to pick Grandmom up from the airport.  We went to Cypress Grill for dinner.

I had a 10pm meeting last night.

This morning, I took Evan to school again.  It was actually colder than yesterday but the wind wasn't nearly as bad so it felt much better.

Grandmom took Noah to school while I did work.

For lunch, Grandmom and I went to Applebee's and then we picked Noah up from school.

Grandmom took Noah to pick Evan up from school.  I told Noah he was the boss and would have to tell Grandmom what to do and where to go to pick up Evan.  I think Noah liked that.

Before dinner, we went to Toys R Us tonight and got GeoTrax for Noah and Legos for Evan.  Then we picked up Chick-fil-A for dinner.  The boys couldn't eat fast enough because they wanted to play with their toys.  They played with them until they fell asleep.

Until next time...

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