Sunday, January 1, 2012

Beautiful First Day

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Well the "sleepover" was a success last night as Evan and Noah both slept well in the game room in their sleeping bags.  I don't know what time they got up because they let us sleep but I think it was a bit later than normal.  I don't think I heard any noise until after 8am.  We did put them to bed early tonight given that they were up so late last night.

When we did get up, we saw that today was a beautiful day.  It was supposed to be sunny with a high of 65.  We decided to drive to the lake and walk around the trail.  We brought Lizzy.  When we got out, we forgot to grab a tennis ball for Lizzy so we didn't end up letting her swim.  We knew she'd just bark at us to throw her a ball but we didn't have one.  The walk was very nice and everyone enjoyed it until Noah declared he was too cold near the end.

When we got home, Noah and Evan had quiet time until the Steelers game started.  Evan watched the whole game with me and Noah watched most of it.  During every Steelers game, Evan has me throw the football to him.  Today he drew on a piece of paper a play that he wanted to run.  We recorded it so you can watch it.  It's very funny.

For dinner, we just had leftovers from last night.

The boys are in bed now.

Until next time...

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