Monday, January 30, 2012

Another rough morning

Noah woke up early this morning while Morry was taking Evan to school. Noah was pretty good until it was time to leave for school. He started throwing a fit. I had to strap him in his car seat first and then come back in the house to get the rest of his stuff for school. He calmed down on the drive.

I went to Sams Club after dropping Noah off at school.

I went for a 3 mile run with Lizzy.

Morry had a meeting here at the house.

I picked up Noah and we went to the library and then HEB to drop off our Redbox movie.

Once we got home I tried to quickly make my lunch to eat before getting Evan at school. Morry was running out to the post office so he offered to pick up Evan at school.

I tutored one student tonight while Morry gave the boys dinner. I just got home and we got the boys ready for bed. Now we are going to eat our dinner.

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