Wednesday, January 18, 2012


This morning Noah was happy to see Cole at school. He spotted his water bottle first on the shelf and then we saw Cole washing his hands.

I started my Pilates classes today. They meet once a week for 8 weeks. It's a special class for breast cancer survivors at Ballet Austin. I knew one other person in the class. I would say there were maybe 15 -20 women mostly around my age.

I picked up a few things at HEB and then got Noah at school. He seemed to have a good day.

Noah didn't want to come with me to get Evan, so he stayed home with Morry.

Evan was in a good mood.

Gabby came at 4pm and I tutored.

For dinner we had corned beef.

Morry and the boys are playing Mario Brothers on the Wii and then we'll get them ready for bed.

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