Saturday, January 28, 2012

Busy Morning

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

This morning, I had the StoredIQ office manager come over to the house to help me get some QuickBooks stuff in order, so I could generate 1099s for the people who have been helping me.  Because of that, Rachel planned to take the boys out. She arranged to meet one of the moms from the Mom's group, Jodie.  Evan and Jodie's son Allen went to preschool together for the first two years of preschool.  Jodie has another boy Thomas, who is a year older than Noah.

Pamela, the office manager, got to our house around 9:30.  Rachel told Noah that she'd be getting him dressed when she came back upstairs.  Of course, Noah threw a massive fit for the entire time Rachel was gone and even more when Rachel came back upstairs.  She ended up putting Noah into the car naked.  When they got to Jodie's, Rachel sent Evan in while she dealt with Noah.  After a little while there, Noah calmed down.  Rachel said that Evan and Noah played together mostly, but all the boys were talking during lunch so they all played together after lunch.

When they got home, the boys and I played some Super Mario Bros, and then it was nap time.

After naps, Evan and Noah first played Angry Birds on the computer, and then they went outside.  Noah's throwing has gotten good enough that he pitches the ball to Evan who hits it.  It's nice that they can do that.  Maybe Noah will turn into a pitcher.

We went to a place called the Bakehouse for dinner.  The boys were mostly well behaved there.

We just put the boys to bed.  Evan is playing Angry Birds in his room for a bit.  But both boys are quiet.

Until next time...

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