Monday, September 26, 2011

Sick Morry

This morning Morry woke me up around 6am to tell me he wasn't feeling well and wouldn't be able to walk Evan to school. I got Evan up and dressed and we walked to school. Once he was truly awake he was in a good mood.

I went for a 3 mile run and when I got back both Morry and Noah were still sleeping.

I got Noah ready for school and dropped him off.

I was home for a few minutes and then left for a meeting for MB Squared stuff. The meeting lasted until it was time to pick up Noah from school.

I got Noah and came home.

By this point Morry was really feeling awful. He had a horrible headache and a slight fever. He needed to see a doctor. Our usual doctors office only had after hours times available starting at 7:15 pm. They offered us a sooner appointment at the Kyle office (about 30 minutes away) and we took the 3:30 appointment.

We all got in the car and drove to Evan's school. Morry stayed in the car while Noah and I picked up Evan.

We made the drive to Kyle.

Morry was in the doctors office for about an hour. I was trying to entertain the kids in the waiting room, outside, and in the car. Finally they called us to come in and see and Morry. They had given him 2 heavy duty shots (Demerol and Phenergen) and he was pretty woozy. We had to wait about 30 minutes to make sure he didn't have a reaction. Then, they wheeled Morry to the car.

Morry has pretty much been laying on the couch ever since we got home. I asked him what the doctor said, but he's not sure since he was in so much pain and drugged up. He has two prescriptions to take now for the headache and nausea. I hope he starts feeling better soon.

I was supposed to tutor tonight but canceled two of my students.

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