Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Lion King (Post #1000)

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

I just realized this was our 1000th blog post. That's pretty amazing. We've been doing it for a long time.

Back in the summer, Living Social was having a special. I think it was something like $3 for 2 movie tickets from Fandango. Rachel and I each bought the deal. We used one of them back in July. Two weeks ago, we realized that the one Rachel had bought was about to expire. We saw that we could buy tickets in advance, even though the deal would expire before. So we bought tickets to see the Lion King in 3D with the boys today. We had to pay for two of the tickets. Well, when we got to the theater, they told us that Fandango had listed the showing incorrectly and it wasn't in 3D. They said they'd refund us all the money and still let us see the movie. That was fine because we didn't need to see the movie in 3D anyway. The boys had never seen the movie and Evan, in particular, was very excited to see it.

The boys seemed to enjoy it. It was much darker than I had remembered. Noah was kind of whiny in the movie though.

We came home and put Noah down for a nap. Evan laid down in the game room.

At 4pm, we left to go to Matt and Rachael's for Max's first birthday. They served hot dogs and hamburgers. Unfortunately the boys didn't want to eat that at all. They played with Ben and Molly for a long time. Then we had cake. Max put the cake all over his face. Evan thought that was hilarious. He especially liked it when Max decided to dump the plate of cake onto the floor.

We left around 6:30. We thought we'd go home, but the boys were hungry. There's a Japanese Hibachi place near Matt and Rachael's house. We had been talking about going there for a while now. Evan and Noah usually love that. We thought we'd treat them to that on the way home (and we didn't want fast food). They did pretty well, but I think they were pretty tired so they didn't eat well.

We're home now. Evan is sleeping and Noah is throwing a massive fit. It all started because he didn't want to come upstairs.

Until next time..

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