Friday, September 16, 2011

Kids Night Out

This morning Morry met Evan at school for lunch. Morry decided to surprise him. Evan, of course, was very happy.

Noah's class had friendship day today. They were supposed to wear orange, so Noah picked out his UT shirt to wear today.

Both kids had good days at school. Today Evan brought home Perry, the class dinosaur. Each weekend a different kid brings him home and then adds pages to the scrapbook with pictures and stories of what Perry did that weekend.

At 4pm I brought Evan over to Jack's house for a playdate. They live on the next street over. We picked up Evan at 5:30. He and Jack had a lot of fun. They swam and played inside the house as well.

At 6:30 we dropped off the kids at the Little Gym for Kids Night Out.

Morry and I went to dinner at Gumbo's and then got dessert at Mandola's. Evan and Noah were both pretty tired when we picked them up.

We just got home and they are eating some fruit now. As soon as they finish we'll put them to bed.

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