Thursday, September 29, 2011

Lots of Little Things

I got lots of little things done today. It was a busy day.

Noah did sports class and had a lot of fun. He really listens well to the teacher and participates. They were learning about golf again today.

Evan had a good day at school and played with his friend Miles while I talked to his mom for a little bit. Evan and Miles were running around behind the school, throwing leaves at each other.

Today was Morry's last day of work.

The boys were very excited when he came home because he had a box of goodies. Morry brought home all of his toys and decorations from his cubicle. The boys finished Morry's bag of shelled peanuts and played with a lot of the toys.

For dinner we had leftover stuffed peppers.

While we cleaned up Noah and Evan played outside.

Pretty soon we'll get the boys ready for bed.

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