Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Change of Plans

Morry and Marilyn took Evan to school today.

Around 9am, we left the house to take Grandmom to the airport. Noah and I had an appointment at Wonders and Worries at 10am so we went there from the airport. We got to Wonders and Worries about 10 minutes early and the door was locked. We waited and waited. I tried calling the guy we were supposed to meet but he didn't answer his phone. At 10:20am I called again and left a message saying we were leaving to run errands and could try coming later. He called shortly after and said his son's school was closed today because of the fires. It was being used as a shelter. He apologized for not calling and we rescheduled for Thursday.

Noah and I went to Panera to get my free cookie. When I went to Panera the other day they forgot to put the cookie in my to-go order so they said I could come back later and get it. Noah and I shared a sugar cookie.

Then, we went to Kohls and Old Navy to return a few things. Old Navy is next to Barnes and Noble. Noah asked if we could go to the bookstore. So, we did for a little while.

At home, we ate lunch outside. It was a nice day today.

We drove to the path to pick Evan up. Evan and Noah were excited to see each other.

At 4:30 Kim came over to babysit.

Morry and I went to the Meet the Teacher night at the school at 5:30.

We got home at 6:30 and I left to tutor.

I picked up Popeye's for Morry on my way home.

The boys are in bed and asleep now.

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