Monday, June 20, 2011

Swim Lessons #2

I didn't sleep well last night.

Normally I would workout before swim lessons, but I was really tired. Evan and Noah did well at their swim lessons and then we swam in the outdoor pool for a little bit.

At home we had lunch and then I tried to put Noah down for a nap. During Noah's "nap", I moved all of my computer/office stuff into the actual office rather than the dining room. I also did some reading workbooks with Evan. Many years ago, when I was at Texas State I volunteered working with a bilingual kindergarten student. The school gave me a bunch of workbooks and I still have them. Evan loved doing the worksheets in the book. There were letter recognition exercises and rhyming word activities. Evan wanted to keep going when I stopped to do more work on the office. We did a few more pages.

For dinner we had pasta.

We gave the boys baths, got them ready for bed, and now Morry is reading to them.

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