Saturday, June 11, 2011

Fountain and a Birthday Party

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

I was awakened at 7:05 by a little boy. As I opened my eyes, all I saw were lips puckered trying to kiss my face. It was Noah. I don't know if Evan was up as I just let Noah kiss me, rolled back over and went to sleep. Forty-five minutes later, Noah came in again because Evan had upset him somehow.

The boys played for a while in the game room before we got up. Finally we were able to roll out of bed and came downstairs.

We weren't sure what to do today, but we finally decided to go to the Liz Carpenter Fountain near Auditorium Shores which the kids can run in. We got breakfast ready for everyone, and jumped in the car and drove over.

The boys loved running through the fountain. They enjoyed standing over the water and letting it hit them in the tush. Evan told me he let one spray squirt him in the face and then said "Curse you, tiny toilet" which is a line from Despicable Me.

We came home and had lunch. For some reason, Evan started talking about Spaceballs and wanted to see that at his nap time. I told her what "barf" meant which is John Candy's character in Spaceballs. He thought that was really funny.

After "naps", quoted since neither boy slept, we went to Anna Belle's birthday party. Anna Belle is one of Evan's oldest friends, though they rarely see each other anymore. Rachel used to meet a group of women for coffee when Evan was a few months old and one was Anna Belle's mother. I go to the UT football games with Anna Belle's father, Will.

At the party, they had a clown/magician who was targeted at young kids. All the kids there seemed to really enjoy her. They served pizza and cake. They have a detached garage and a basketball hoop above the garage. Evan spent much of the party shooting baskets.

We came home and gave the kids baths and now they are in bed.

Until next time...

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