Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Playdate with Victoria

Today was busy. I felt like I was going all day.

I dropped the boys off at school, went for a run, and got things done around house. I got dinner ready for tonight. Then, it was time to pick up Noah at school. Evan had plans to go play at Victoria's house after school. Her mom picked them both up from school and brought them home to their house.

While Evan was at Victoria's Noah and I played some at home and then went to get shaved ice.

We picked Evan up at 4:30. He seemed like he had a good time, but would get embarrassed when we asked him what he did. He didn't want to talk about it.

For dinner we had grilled chicken and Noah ate a whole chicken breast.

We just gave the boys baths. Morry's reading to them now.

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