Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Now what did he do?

This morning we went to the gym. We had lunch at home and then I tutored one student here at the house. The boys were good while I tutored and just played upstairs.

Tonight we had the Wonders and Worries parenting class. Evan and Noah were both super sweaty when we met up with them after the class. They had been playing outside and obviously had a good time.

They provide dinner at Wonders and Worries, but it wasn't anything Morry or the kids would eat. They stopped and got McDonalds on the way home.

Just now, we went upstairs to put the boys to bed. Here's what I saw on Noah's wall. I guess he did this at naptime. Luckily it was just crayon. I made Noah clean it up with a damp cloth and that seemed to pretty much get it all off.

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