Thursday, June 30, 2011

Hair Cuts and Shaved Ice

The kids had fun at school today, like always. Today was a pizza day at school, so it was nice not having to pack their lunches.

After school we came home and I gave the boys haircuts on the upstairs porch. After that they got baths and then it was nap time. Noah wouldn't nap.

For dinner we had chicken in the crock pot.

After dinner we told the boys that if they cleaned up their rooms and the game room we could go to Blizzy's.

Once they cleaned up we all went to get shaved ice.

When we got home Noah became very cranky. He started complaining in the car that he wanted dessert. He didn't consider shaved ice dessert. Then, when we pulled into the garage he threw a fit because we wouldn't physically carry him out of his car seat.

Now, he's been throwing a fit because I won't carry him upstairs. I told him I'd love to hold his hand and walk upstairs, but I wasn't going to carry him. He's been crying and saying that he is a baby and needs to be carried. I can't even concentrate writing the blog. He already broke the baby lock off the office door.

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