Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Real Pajama Day

Today was a planned pajama day for Noah's class. The kids looked cute in their pajamas. I think Evan was disappointed that he didn't get to wear his pajamas to school today.

While the kids were in school I ran 3 miles and got some stuff done around the house.

Noah had his Valentine's Day party at school today. They don't encourage parents to come. I guess it's too much of a distraction? Noah brought home a bag of Valentine's cards and candy and he let Evan have one of his pieces of candy.

Blanca came and I tutored 3 students.

Evan had baseball practice this evening so Morry took the boys there at 6:15. Morry said Evan was hitting and throwing very well today.

I came home around 8. Morry made pasta and they were eating dinner.

We just put the boys to bed and of course, they are still up.

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