Saturday, February 5, 2011

Crazy Texas Weather

So, yesterday it snowed and today it was 65 degrees.

For lunch/brunch we went to Galaxy Cafe. We had a Groupon we needed to use soon. We ran into some friends of ours (Susan, Frank, and Laurel) - a family from Mom's club and Evan's class. They were doing the same thing we were, using up a Groupon.

After lunch we went to the Circle C park for a while. Evan and Noah loved running around. It was good letting them get out some energy. They spent a lot of time playing with tennis balls on the basketball court and then they played on the playground.

When we got home I made smoothies for the kids and me.

During nap time Evan and Morry played baseball outside. Noah took a nap.

For dinner we ate at home leftover chicken from the other night. For dessert we went to Tutti Frutti, a frozen yogurt place.

We just put the boys to bed.

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