Monday, February 7, 2011

Football Season is Finally Over!

Yea! I'm so glad this football season is finally over!

This morning Noah woke up early around 7am, but I was able to get him to sleep a little bit longer.

Noah was not fun this morning. He was very cranky. I wanted to go to the gym and it took forever to get out of the house, mostly because of him. Everything was a fight. I had to hold him down to get him dressed. It took a lot of effort and he ended up taking his shoes and socks off in the car.

Noah threw a fit at the gym because he wanted me to carry him. He seemed to have calmed down a little after dropping off Evan and Noah at the child care. They didn't have to call me. Both boys seemed to be having fun when I came back to get them.

The boys played outside while I got lunch ready. They wanted to eat outside. They sat out there for a few minutes, but got cold and came back inside.

Noah napped for a little bit.

For dinner we had crock pot Buffalo wings and soup.

I tutored after dinner and Morry put the boys to bed.

When I called Morry on my way home he said Noah had been coughing a lot. I picked up some medicine on my way home. Noah has some vicks vapor rub and his humidifier going in his room.

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