Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bird House Completion

This morning I was able to get Evan and Noah dressed and ready to go to school at a reasonable time. I thought I'd walk/run with them (in the stroller) to school. As soon as it came time to go in the stroller Noah threw a fit. I had a hard time getting him buckled and then he kicked off his shoes. We still walked to school anyway. I ran there and back. It's a little over 3 miles round trip. Noah threw another fit when we got to the building. He didn't want to go to his classroom first, but we went there first anyway.

I had a hair appointment that was supposed to be at 9:30. I didn't get a confirmation yesterday, so I called. Somehow my appointment got deleted. The women remembered talking to me and couldn't figure out what had happened. They offered to schedule me at 10:45, but I was worried about timing. I wasn't sure I would be done in time to pick up the boys. Morry offered to pick them up if I needed. Luckily Morry was able to leave work and get Evan and Noah. I didn't get home until around 1:40pm.

When I got home Morry went back to work.

We filled the bird houses with bird seed and the boys picked where they wanted me to hang them. We'll see if any birds want to hang out in the fancy bird castles.

I tried putting Noah down for a nap, but he just played in his room.

Gabby came at 4pm and I tutored.

When I got home we made dinner. Morry and I had a PF Changs frozen meal that you heat up on the stove.

We just put the boys to bed.

Here's a video of the boys making their bird houses.

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