Monday, February 28, 2011

Healthy Eaters

This morning we had a guy come give us an estimate on tree trimming. He was such a salesman. It was really annoying. I did not like his tactic at all. He was willing to give me a lower price (by $200) if I agreed to go with him right then. We had a coupon and he wouldn't tell me the quote until I told him what coupon it was that I had. I told him that that shouldn't matter. I was glad to see him go.

The boys and I went to the gym. I did a yoga class.

Before I left the house I cut up the rest of these little yellow tomatoes we had. It was a pretty big bag, but I figured if Evan didn't finish we could save the rest for later. When we got in the car I gave the boys snacks. Noah had a bag of apples and Evan had the tomato bag and a bag of apples. Evan chose the tomatoes first and ate all of them.

We ran into CVS to get free Crest toothpaste - a coupon deal.

Then, we went to Newflower. The boys love going to Newflower because we get fruit things (dried fruit sticks/fruit leather, whatever you call it) and they always get their free cookie at the end. As we were picking out vegetables Noah saw the bean sprouts and wanted me to buy some. I put some in a bag and then he wanted to hold the bag. He wanted the sprouts as a snack so I let him eat a few.

When we got home the boys ate lunch outside.

I got dinner ready for tonight.

Around 5pm Gabriella called to see if we wanted to come over and play for a little bit. The boys enjoyed playing in the backyard. We only stayed for a little while.

We had dinner (pork ribs and baked potato). I left for tutoring and Morry put the boys to bed.

When I came home both boys were in bed and asleep.

Here's a picture of Noah snacking on the bean sprouts.

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