Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sick Evan

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

This morning, Evan got up around 8:30 or so. I went downstairs and got him breakfast. I opened up a box of Pop Tarts. I opened one of the packs of two from within the box. The Pop Tart seemed a little off, it felt like the icing had melted. So I threw that out and gave him the other Pop Tart which seemed normal.

At about 9:30 Noah got up. Evan went in Noah's room and they played together. A little while later, Rachel got up, got the boys dressed, and brought them downstairs.

We decided we were going to try Lifetime Fitness today. We got ready to go. Evan started complaining that his stomach hurt, but he wanted to go to the gym. We put him in the car but he looked sick as we were driving. I started turning around but Evan threw a fit. He insisted he was fine and wanted to go to the gym.

The gym was incredibly fancy. We dropped the kids off at the kids area and we took a tour. Then we worked out a bit.

We got the kids and went to the cafe (yes there's a cafe in the gym). Evan said he wanted to go home though, so we didn't eat there. We got home and I was carrying Evan into the house when he vomited all over me. He was such a trooper though. He never cried, never seemed upset by it. For him, it was lucky because he didn't get much on himself, but we stripped him down. I took him upstairs and laid him on the couch in the gameroom. He wanted a Sprite so I got him some Sprite. Within a little bit, he was very hyper and back to his normal self.

We had some lunch upstairs, although Evan didn't eat. We didn't want him to eat either. Then we put Noah down for a nap. Evan laid down in our bed and was watching tv. I was working on the computer downstairs. Then I heard Evan throw up again, even from down here. He wanted to go downstairs and was thirsty. I brought him downstairs and turned on the tv for him and let him lay down downstairs. Then I cleaned up the carpet upstairs.

For dinner, Rachel and I ordered from Eat Out In. We got Chinatown. While we were waiting for dinner, though, Evan threw up again. This was a bit worse as he had been drinking purple Gatorade. There was purple all over the floor. But again, Evan was a trooper. He never seems up set by it.

We got Noah some dinner and then our dinner was delivered. We put Evan on my side of the bed and he's laying there now. Noah is asleep in his room. We took Evan's temperature and it was 100.1°. We had originally thought it was the Pop Tart that caused Evan to be sick, but the fact he has a fever and vomited three times makes us think he has the stomach bug. But he keeps drinking in between and he had a popsicle.

Until next time...

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