Saturday, March 13, 2010

All Boys

Note: For some reason this didn't publish last night. Here is yesterday's post.

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Evan came out of bed a few times last night. I think the nap is what made him not stay in bed. It took him a while to go to sleep and then he was up early this morning.

It was just boys today since Rachel is in Chicago. We got up and played in the gameroom some. Then we all got dressed and came downstairs. I put on a movie for a bit and then we went to the park. At the park, Evan was climbing on everything and doing very well. Noah went up to two boys (at separate times) that were a little bit younger than he was. One actually was his height though and was only 17 months old. He was a large kid. Each time Noah went up to these boys, he'd say "Hi baby". It was very cute. I let Evan hang from the monkey bars without holding on to him. He didn't actually go from one bar to the other but he hung there.

We were going to get smoothies after the park, but Evan was bad as we were getting in the car and then yelled "No" at me so we didn't go. I made sure he knew the reason we weren't going was him.

For lunch, both boys ate well.

I put Noah down for a nap and Evan played quietly in the gameroom.

For dinner, we picked up Little Caesar's. Evan again ate well but Noah didn't eat anything. I had promised Evan if he ate well we could get Dairy Queen. So we drove out to Dairy Queen. Noah ate all his ice cream and served himself - with his left hand. I'm pretty sure he's right-handed so I was a bit surprised. Evan ate about 3/4 of his ice cream.

We came home and I gave the boys a shower in my shower. It was a bit easier than giving them baths by myself. In fact, since it was easier and there is no standing water, I wondered why we give kids baths at all. It seems safer, I could wash them better because they were standing up and they had a great time.

They are now in bed. I'm going to watch Inglorious Basterds which I got at Redbox. We'll see how it is.

Until next time...

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