Monday, March 29, 2010

Plants for the Garden

This morning around 7:30am the air conditioning guy called to say he’d be over soon. A little after that Evan got up. The guy was here for a while and got everything fixed and working again.

Evan, Noah, and I went to Home Depot to pick out some plants. Last year we grew some herbs and vegetables. The jalapenos and bell peppers grew well. Evan and Noah had a good time picking out plants. I’m trying to remember everything we bought. I think we got basil, thyme, tomatoes, various peppers, strawberries, corn, peas, onions. We’ll see if they all grow. I’ll try to get them all planted tomorrow.

Evan and Noah snacked on a lot of food, but didn’t really have lunch. They were both really tired when we got home. Evan threw a fit when we got home. I’m not really sure why. He wanted to unbuckle his own car seat but was getting frustrated. The chest part is sticky because he spilled slushy on it the other day and the bottom part is hard even for me sometimes. You have to do it just at the right angle. I tried to help him, but he wouldn’t let me. He was whining and crying. I’m not sure what he wanted. He didn’t want my help. While he was being difficult, I unloaded the car and brought everything to the backyard. During this, I managed to sneak in and unbuckle his seat. Then, he threw a fit because he wanted to put the plants outside. I had already finished.

I put Noah down for a nap. Evan stayed downstairs while I ate my lunch. I offered him leftover pizza, but he didn’t want any.

Evan came upstairs with me. I needed to nap. Evan didn’t want a movie on in the game room. He said he only wanted to play in there.

When I woke up a little bit later I went to the game room to check on Evan. He wasn’t in there and I started to get a little worried. I checked his room and the guest bedroom. Then, I looked a little closer in the guest bedroom and he was all the way under the covers and asleep in the bed. He put himself down for a nap.

Blanca came at 4:00 and I tutored 3 students. She had to wake Evan up at 5:00 since he was still sleeping.

Morry took the boys to Evan’s sports class. Evan threw a fit at first on the way there and in the gym, but he calmed down after a little while. Then, Morry took Evan and Noah to Chick Fil A. I met them there when I finished tutoring.

When we came home we put the boys to bed, but Evan came out of his room and sat on the stairs until Morry went upstairs for bed. That’s what happens when he ends up napping. He fights going to sleep at night.

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