Friday, March 19, 2010

Mottel At The Vet

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

After Evan threw a fit last night, I ended up putting him back to bed. He knew I was mad at him for both misbehaving at Target and for misbehaving at bedtime. I think that led to him insisting I put him back to bed.

This morning, I worked from home in the morning because I had to take Mottel to the vet. Mottel had a follow-up appointment based on his health issues he had last year. I've been taking him for check-ups just about every 3 months.

Evan came downstairs with me and watched tv while I worked. He was very well-behaved then.

I took Mottel to the vet. I put him in a carrier. Inevitably, he vomits at some point on the trip. I tried to drive slowly and he seemed fine. When we were sitting in the vet's office, he vomited. The vet said he lost 4 ounces in the last 3 months. She didn't seem overly concerned by that because had been increasing weight up until now. She did take blood and urine to do some more analysis just to be safe.

On the way home, I decided I'd open up the carrier. I decided that part of what causes Mottel to get sick is not being able to see. For part of the ride, he rode on my lap. Then he climbed into the back and curled up between the two car seats. We were in my car. I drove very slowly and he seemed he was very happy. I thought to myself, why haven't I thought of this before? As we turned into our neighborhood though, Mottel started to do his meow that means he doesn't feel well. I recognize it now. I started yelling "No, no, not in the car. Not now!" Just as we pulled into the driveway, he vomited in my car. Luckily it was in the leather seats and it was pretty easy to just wipe up.

I went to work and Rachel took the boys to playgroup. She was the only other mother to go to playgroup. She said the boys had a good time and pretended to make M&M cookies.

They ate lunch outside when they got home.

Noah took a nap and Evan did not which is what we prefer. But Noah didn't sleep that well, apparently.

When I got home, Noah was getting up. He was still kind of cranky. We decided to go to Santa Rita's - a Mexican place near our house - for dinner. Noah was very cranky. Evan had his moments. Neither boy ate very much.

We got home and gave the boys showers. I'm finding it's much easier to give them showers. The only problem we have is Evan throws a fit when it's time to come out. He'd stay in there forever if he could.

We put the cranky boys to bed. Let's hope they get some sleep.

Until next time...

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