Tuesday, March 30, 2010

School and Gardening

This morning Evan gave me a little bit of a hard time going to school, but it wasn’t as bad as last time.

After dropping Evan off at school, Noah and I met Yenis at Starbucks. At Starbucks, I ran into 3 other moms (separately) from the mom’s club. One joined us with her 3 year old daughter. We sat outside. Noah and the little girl enjoyed running around together.

After Starbucks, Noah and I went to HEB. Noah was very good there.

We came home, put away the groceries, and pretty soon after it was time to pick up Evan from school.

When we got back home Noah went down for a nap and Evan and I planted some of the plants in the backyard.

After that we went upstairs so that I could rest and Evan played in the game room.

For dinner I made a planko baked chicken, rice, and soup. The weather was beautiful, so we sat outside for dinner.

I tutored one student tonight while Morry took care of the boys.

I came home a little while ago. Both of the boys were in bed and it seems to be quiet.

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