Thursday, November 6, 2008


Last night I went out with the girls (Yenis and Alissa). We had a nice time, but it was pretty empty downtown. Maybe because people were up late the night before watching election stuff, they didn’t feel like going out?

This morning I drove Evan to school so I didn’t have to rush around trying to get out in time to walk. While Evan was at school Noah and I just hung out at the house. I did laundry and just got little things taken care of. Noah started acting real cranky around 10:30, so I put him down for a nap and he slept for about an hour.

At lunch I gave Noah a straw sippy cup with some juice in it. He did pretty well holding the cup on his own and getting the straw to his mouth.

We drove to pick Evan up and Wendy told me again how much Evan doesn’t like art. They had some project with cut up bell peppers and paint. I think they were using pepper halves as stamps. Anyway, Evan wanted nothing to do with it.

Blanca came at 4 and I tutored 2 students.

It was almost 7 when I got home. As we were getting dinner ready Evan came up with a new nickname for Noah. He started calling him “granoahbar”. Evan made that up all on his own. Morry and I were pretty impressed.

Evan and Noah are in bed now and it seems quiet up there.

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