Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Evan speaks Spanish!

I walked Evan to school today. Then, I walked back home and it was time to turn around and come right back to school for Evan’s parent-teacher conference. Morry worked from home today, so we went together with Noah to meet Wendy. It was fun hearing about Evan and how he is doing at school. Wendy said he’s doing great and meeting all the developmental milestones. It really seems like she takes the time to get to know the kids. She said the only thing Evan needs to work on is cleaning up, especially after lunch. She said after lunch he just wants to run off and play.

Morry picked Evan up at school. When he got home I noticed there were stamps on his arm and I asked where he got them. He said Ms. Aranza gave them to him during Spanish. I asked what he learned in Spanish class and he said “ojos (eyes)”. I was so impressed. I asked where his ojos were and he pointed to his eye. I asked Evan what else he learned and he pointed to his nose and then said “nariz.”

Blanca came at 2:00. I had an appointment for a mammogram. My doctor and I figured it was a good idea to get a baseline test since there is a history of cancer in the family. After the mammogram I had some time to kill before tutoring so I went over to Marshall’s. I went there to look for shoes for Evan, but didn’t find any wides in his size. They had some great deals and I bought a few things for me.

I got home at 8. We just put the boys to bed.

I just wanted to add…. When we were getting Evan ready for bed tonight, he was at his sink drinking some water and he spilled it on his pajama top. I brought him in his room to get another top. He wanted the truck pajamas, so I put the top on. He wanted the bottoms of the truck pajamas too, but I refused since the pajama pants he had on where fine and dry. Well, when Morry went upstairs to put Evan back to bed Evan said, “I put these on.” Morry looked down and saw Evan had taken off his other pajama pants, got his truck pajama pants out of his drawer, and put them on by himself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am shocked that you expected the boy to go to bed with mis-matched pajamas. Now it seems you can just tell him to get dressed in the morning and then start your day. What a kid!!
