Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Flu Shots for Evan and Noah

I took Evan and Noah to their doctor today for flu shots. Noah needed the booster shot. For babies they have to give them 2 separate shots a month apart. I warned Evan ahead of time what was going to happen and that it would just hurt for a minute. Right as we walked into the waiting room this little girl yells to Evan, “They give shots here!” I guess she was trying to warn him. The parents seemed embarrassed, but I said it was ok and I already talked to Evan about the shot. I decided to have Evan go first. He did very well. He just whined a little, but was easily calmed down when the nurse offered him a sticker. Noah did well too and only cried for a few seconds.

After the shots, we went to Target to return something. We walked around the store. Evan loves walking in Target. I ended buying Evan some Spiderman tennis shoes. He really needed another pair of shoes. He only had one pair that fit him. They had light up Spiderman shoes that just happened to fit him.

After Target we came home and ate lunch. While I was getting lunch ready I put Noah on the floor and he actually crawled a little. It was more like an army crawl, but he was actually moving forward. We put up a video on YouTube. It should show up at the bottom of this page. We also added a video from Halloween of Evan looking at the candy in the candy bowl.

Blanca came at 1:45. I signed up for a focus group study about cleaning supplies from 2-4 today. I met 2 interviewers at HEB to talk about what products I used and how I clean the house. We talked for a little bit then we went down the cleaning aisle and picked a few items for me to try at home. We went back to our house. I showed them what cleaning products I typically use and did a few cleaning demonstrations of how I use them. I got paid $200 for those 2 hours. Good deal, huh?

Tonight I’m going out for a girl’s night. Alissa, Yenis, and I are going to Speakeasy (a bar downtown). It has been a very long time since I’ve had a girl’s night out. I’m looking forward to it. The Brew (salsa band) will be playing.

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