Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Another cold

I think I either have another cold, bad allergies, or a sinus infection. I was up a lot of the night coughing and sneezing. I didn’t get much sleep. I finally fell asleep around 3 something and then woke up at 7 something.

I drove Evan to school today because not only was I tired, but they were predicting rain. After dropping Evan off I went to HEB to get a refill on my thyroid medicine. We just got new insurance. I gave them the info I had on the new insurance, but for some reason it wasn’t going through. They had my birthday wrong on something. I called Morry when I got home and after talking to someone at his work they said just to use the old insurance info. and they would figure it all out.

I picked Evan up at school and then went back to HEB to get my medicine. This time I had no problems.

When I was changing Evan before his nap he told me he wanted to go potty. He has yet to actually do anything on the potty, but sometimes he will ask to sit on it. He sat on the potty for a few seconds and I gave him a sticker. I give him a sticker every time he sits on the potty. I put Evan back in bed with just a shirt and diaper on. I didn’t feel like putting his jeans back on if he was just going to be in bed, and I thought he’d be more comfortable without the jeans anyway.

Noah went down for his nap pretty easily but Evan wasn’t napping. I went to Evan’s room again. When I walked in he had his jeans on (not zipped or snapped), his shoes on and velcroed (but on the wrong feet), and his socks on both of his hands like mittens. He told me he wanted to sit on the potty again. So, I got him undressed and this time he sat on the potty for a while. Every time I’d ask him if he was done, he’d say no. Evan is still somewhat confused about how to pee in the potty. He kept telling me it didn’t work or that the pee was stuck. After a while on the potty, and still no pee, I put Evan back in his room and he fell asleep at the door by the gate. At least he took a nap. I was able to nap for a little bit too while the boys were napping.

For dinner we just had soup and leftover pasta and bread from the other night.

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