Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

Evan actually fell asleep in his bed last night. Usually he falls asleep on the floor at the gate and then Morry moves him when we go to bed. Last night he stayed in his bed. I can’t remember the last time that happened.

Noah woke up just once around 3am and I gave him his pacifier and he fell back asleep.

Both Evan and Noah woke up around 8am. We walked Evan to school and then got back just in time for the cleaning lady.

I usually do most of the cleaning, but our house really needed a good cleaning so we hired someone. I just don’t have the time to do a good cleaning and I don’t really know how to clean either. I never know what products to use or how to use them best. Do you use a sponge or a paper towel? How wet are you supposed to get the floor when you mop? Anyway, 2 people came (the main lady and a helper) and they did a pretty good job. I would definitely have them come back maybe once a month or so.

Noah and I went to the bank and then HEB before picking Evan up from school. Evan didn’t finish all of his lunch, so on the way home he opened up his lunch box and ate more of his lunch in the car.

Evan napped in his bed again. Yea! Let’s hope this continues.

I tutored 2 students today. I was supposed to have a 3rd, but she came home sick.

We made pork tenderloin and potatoes for dinner and then took a short walk.

It’s an exciting night. Morry keeps running back and forth to the computer to check election results. We’ll see what happens.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! The boys are both doing a good job of sleeping! NOW I feel better about their staying here without you for almost a week!

And Evan taking off his own diaper - maybe he's inching torward being potty trained?