Thursday, September 10, 2020

Rain + School Day 2 and 3

We have had a ton of rain the last few days.  It cooled off and we had a high in the 60s today.

I had to move my last class indoors yesterday because it started to thunder and lightning.

School is going well for everyone.  The boys aren't complaining too much.  Noah gets lots of long breaks, which is good.

Today I tutored in the morning and then again in the afternoon.

I'm considering selling my blog and got a preliminary valuation of my site.  Tonight I spoke on the phone with a friend who sold her site last year and she gave me some great advice as well as the agent she used.

After dinner, Morry and I took a short walk with Chewie.  We saw a couple of deer running around and then saw a car hit one of them!  It ran off, so I hope that was a good sign.  

Well.. not much else is happening around here.

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