Tuesday, September 8, 2020

First Day of School 2020

Today was the first day of school for Evan, Noah, and me.

Evan and Noah had online classes and my school started back in person.

Noah's first class was at 8:15am and Evan's first class was at 9am.

I tutored a student online at 8:45 and then went to my school.  I taught 2 classes today from 10am-12pm.  My school set up tents outdoors so I was able to teach outside. I hope to do that as much as possible.

Today Papa had his hip replacement surgery. It sounded like everything went as planned, but he's spending the night in the hospital to manage the pain and some other post-op issues.

I got home around 1pm, ate, and did some blog work.

Then starting at 4pm I tutored three students and taught my Hebrew class.

I've been teaching online through Outschool.  You create your own classes and use the platform to post them.  You determine how long the classes last, the number of students you will teach, and the price.  I decided to create a Hebrew alphabet class and have 6 students in my class that meets once a week for 8 weeks.

Evan had baseball practice tonight.

When Evan and Morry got home we ate dinner.

Both boys were pretty exhausted today.  It sounded like it went well, but it was just a long day sitting at the computer for both of them.  Evan didn't have that many breaks.

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