Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Many Meetings

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

With the new virtual learning, Noah is getting up before me.  When I leave my room, he's up and getting ready for the day.  It's weird to see him up when I'm up.  Since the pandemic started, I've always been the first one getting up.

I had several meetings today.  Tuesdays are long days for both Rachel and me.  For some reason, Tuesdays are now the days that I have the most meetings. But it's also the day that most of Rachel's students requested tutoring.  So it feels like we're both on the computer all day.  Rachel did go in to teach in the morning but from there, she's got several tutoring sessions in the afternoon through the early evening.

Evan also has baseball practice on Tuesdays.  I drove him to practice.  He had a good practice.  Today he spent more time working on defense at third base.

After we got back home, I cooked ribeyes for the boys and me.  Rachel made herself fish.

Rachel and I are about to sit down and watch a show.

Until next time...

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