Thursday, September 17, 2020

Outdoorsy Day

 This morning I tutored on Zoom from 8:15am -9 and then went to my school.  

I was there from 10am - 2pm.  I have a two-hour break from 11-1 each Wednesday and Friday.  During that time today, I went for a run on the trails near the school.

Here are a few pictures.

When I came home Morry was heating up Evan's chicken for lunch.

At 4:45pm I tutored on Zoom and then took Evan to his baseball practice.

From there, I went to tutor in-person at a nearby house.  This family lives right on the lake.  We sit outside on their covered porch with a view of the lake.  Not bad!

When Evan and I got home, we all had dinner. Morry made dirty rice and shrimp.

The new Playstation is available on pre-order now and Noah's been trying all night to try to order one.  The websites for Target and Amazon are slow now with everyone trying to buy one.  I'm not sure if was able to get one or not.  I'll find out tomorrow.

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