Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Sick Flashy

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Flash was acting sick yesterday.  By the time Evan and I left for his baseball practice last night, we were all concerned about him.  He was growing and hissing at Lizzy and Calvin if they came close to him.  When Evan and I got home, Rachel and I agreed, we needed to take him to the emergency vet.  We got him into his carrier easily (which showed us he must be really sick) and I took him.  They very quickly determined that he had a blockage in his urethra and couldn't urinate.  They had to do an emergency procedure overnight to unblock him.

Since the emergency vet is only open at night, we had to pick him up at 6:30 this morning and bring him to his regular vet.  Rachel got up early and did that.  I stayed with the boys and walked them to school.

Rachel rested most of the morning, but she did have a phone meeting for HomeAway.  She then had to go up to HomeAway for a meeting in the afternoon.

Evan's teacher sent some pictures of the kids at Camp Champions.  Below is a picture of Evan there.

I walked to get the boys.  We went to the book fair at the school before coming home.

Rachel had to get Flash at the regular vet and then bring him to the emergency vet around 6pm.  He needs to be under constant care and again, the regular vet is only open so long and the emergency vet then has to take over.  We'll have to do another transfer tomorrow morning.  Hopefully he'll be able to come home tomorrow night.

Evan, Noah and I went to Evan's practice.  We stopped at Dick's Sporting Goods on the way because Evan needed new shoes.

Evan had a good practice.  He hit well and he had to run pulling weights.  It looked tough, but he enjoyed it.

For dinner, we had hamburgers on the grill and corn on the cob.

The boys are in bed.

Until next time...

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