Friday, October 28, 2016

More Pet Drama

This morning I did not have to go to the vet, since Flash was getting a transfer from the emergency vet to our vet.

We walked the boys to school.

Then, Seth came over to give us a garden bed box.  It's this new system he invented which is supposed to make it the easiest garden ever.  It is set up on our porch now and we are growing lettuce, kale, and spinach.

We took Zayde to Wholy Bagel for lunch.

Morry and I waked to school to pick up the boys.

Noah was invited to go over to Jude's house before football practice.

We were going to leave soon and all of sudden Morry heard Lizzy whimpering.  She was spread out on the floor and couldn't get up.  Once we got her sitting up, she wouldn't/couldn't move.

We called the vet, dropped off Noah at Jude's and drove Lizzy to the vet.

Then, we had both Lizzy and Flash at the vet.

As we were either there or on our way, Flash's doctor was leaving a message on our machine with an update.  She hung up and noticed Lizzy was in the back room getting examined, so she came out to talk to us.

Flash was doing a lot better and getting prepared to come home.

Lizzy had an x-ray and blood test.  It turns out she has some kind of vestibular (dizziness) thing going on that is common in older dogs.  It should get better over the next few days.  They gave us some anti-nausea medicine for us.  After her exam they said she was walking around fine trying to leave the room.

Around 6pm, we finally left the vet with both animals.

Morry dropped me off at home and then he and Zayde went to meet Noah at his football practice.  It sounded like Noah had a good practice.

For dinner, Zayde said he would take the boys where ever the wanted since they both brought home good report cards today.   The kids chose Buffet Palace, so we went there after practice.

It was actually pretty good tonight, much better than the last time we were there.  Everyone ate well.

Soon, the kids will get ready for bed.  It's been a long day.

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