Thursday, June 30, 2016


Hello everyone, this is Morry.

This morning, I took Rachel's car to get cleaned.  I had a Groupon for the basic wash but I had them do some interior cleaning.  After over 4000 miles of driving, it needed to be cleaned.

Shortly after I got home, Rachel took the boys to the pool to see Noah's friend Owen.  Evan saw a boy he knows and played with him.  They were there for about 3 hours.

Later in the afternoon, the boys made their own t-shirts with t-shirt paint.

For dinner, my friend Seth, who used to be with Hey Cupcake! came over.  He has a new idea for a business and wanted a bit of advice on the website and wanted to run it by Rachel and me.  We grilled steak and salmon and ate outside.  We always enjoy Seth's company and it was great having him over.  Evan spent quite a bit of time with us.  He seems to like Seth and wanted to be a part of the conversation.

The boys are in bed now.

Until next time...

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