Saturday, July 2, 2016


Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Last night, Evan was invited to sleep over at Wade's house.  Noah ended up sleeping at Grandma and Papa's while Rachel and I went out to dinner downtown.  We then walked to a coffeeshop where they let you cook s'mores at your table.  It was nice.

This morning, Rachel walked to get Noah close to noon.  Evan came home just before that.  Wade's mom dropped him off.

We had lunch and then went for a walk around the Costco shopping center.  It was 95 degrees out.  It's a fairly short walk - a little more than a mile so we brought Lizzy even though it was hot.  Somewhere around half way, Lizzy just stopped and refused to walk.  We had brought water for Lizzy but it was back at the car.  We figured we'd make it around and then let her drink.  So Rachel, Evan and Noah ran up ahead to get the water for Lizzy and bring it back.  Lizzy and I slowly walked going from spot of shade to spot of shade.  We got the water for Lizzy and put it on her belly and gave her some to drink though she didn't drink that much.  We tried to get her moving again but she had laid down and looked comfortable and flat out refused to move.  Evan, Noah and I went back to the car.  We had parked at Smoothie King and we had promised the boys smoothies.  So we went in there and got smoothies for the 4 of us and then drove and picked up Rachel and Lizzy.  Lizzy is acting completely fine.  I think her not walking was more out of being stubborn and not wanting to walk when it was that hot than her not feeling well.  But we didn't want to take a chance by making her walk any more.

When we got back, Rachel made cookies for the block party tomorrow.  The boys and I watched Die Hard 2.

We got Papa John's for dinner.

The boys are getting ready for bed.

Until next time...

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