Monday, July 4, 2016

July 4 and July 3

Yesterday Evan and I rode our bikes with Papa.  We rode about 10 miles.  We rode to the Velloway, around it, and back.  It was a good workout.  Evan really had a good time.

Last night we had our July 3 street party.  We joined our neighbors in the cul-de-sac for a potluck and to watch the fireworks at the nearby golf course.

Today we went for a hike and a new-to-us trail, Slaughter Creek Trail.  At the start of the trail we saw a turkey and two deer.

After walking about 2-3 miles of the trail we went to Sweet Carolines for shaved ice.

Tonight, we went to Aunt Sandy and Uncle Marvin's house for dinner and hung out there for a while. The boys liked playing in their huge yard.

The boys are in bed now.  There are still fireworks going off in our neighborhood, which is illegal.  We are hoping they end soon.

Here are some pictures from yesterday and today.

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