Thursday, June 9, 2016


Hello everyone, this is Morry.

I took my car in to be washed this morning.  Rachel left with the boys shortly after I got home to take them to the dentist.  Noah's teeth were good.  But they gave us a recommendation on an orthodontist who we will see later in the summer.  Evan had another cavity, yet again.  Before they left for the dentist I told Noah that if they recommended that he see another doctor (the last two times they wanted him to see an ENT which led to his surgery) and if Evan had another cavity, I was cutting them from the team. They would no longer be with the family.  Somehow both things still happened.

After they went to the dentist, they got their hair cut.  Evan just wanted a tiny trim and to thin out the "poofiness" but they cut off his hair.  I think he was a bit disappointed.  Noah looks really good.

I worked from home all day.

We had corned beef for dinner.

The boys are in bed now.

Until next time...

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